Learn about the Methacton High School Library by earning digital badges for completing tasks in different categories.
Library Procedures Badge: Use this form to answer questions about how our library works. If you need help, refer to the homepage of the MHS Library website (look on the left side under "About the Library").
Book Finder Badge: Use this form to answer questions about how to find things in our library. If you need help, refer to the bottom of this page of the MHS Library website (below).
This activity needs to be completed while in the library.
Genre Badge: Use this form to answer questions about different book genres. If you need help, refer to the bottom of this page of the MHS Library website (below).
Some parts of this activity need to be completed while in the library.
Chromebook Badge: Use this form to answer questions about how your Chromebook works. If you need help, refer to the Technology & Chromebooks page of the MHS Library website.
Research Badge: Use this form to answer questions about basic research skills. If you need help, refer to the Research Guides section of the MHS Library website.
Click to search our library catalog. You can also access our collection of e-books directly from Destiny Discover. To check out and download books, log in with your school username and password.