►Reference content, magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links -- on all aspects of U.S. History. |
Thousands of newspaper titles chronicle centuries of American history, culture and daily life presented in a timeline or searchable format. |
►Provides access to history e-books in our collection.
PRIMARY SOURCES: Introduction to U.S. History: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION digital archive from POWER LIBRARY |
PRIMARY SOURCES: Introduction to U.S. History: THE CIVIL WAR digital archive from POWER LIBRARY |
PRIMARY SOURCES: Introduction to U.S. History: SLAVERY IN AMERICA digital archive from POWER LIBRARY |
Complete, unlimited access to the magazine main content through 2020 -- in-depth coverage of society, cultures, nature, science, technology, travel, geography, and more. from POWER LIBRARY |
TIME Magazine archives with more than 4,000 issues that include reports of national and international current events, politics, sports, and entertainment. from POWER LIBRARY |
PRIMARY SOURCES: Features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. from POWER LIBRARY |
ACADEMIC JOURNAL SOURCES: Academic and college-level material from more than 12 million journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. |
ACADEMIC JOURNAL SOURCES: Features full-text scholarly content for major college courses. Designed specifically for academic institutions and college-level students.
Primary Documents in American History: web guide created by the Library of Congress. |
Features images and texts from America’s libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. |
Online encyclopedia that offers articles, primary sources, and online books on all topics, including the United States. |
Allows you to discover and map important events in history with the information provided, or access thousands of pre-made historical outlines. |